Due to the variety of platforms which QML runs on, by default there are very few QML components available. Reach has provided a number of components to make development easier.

To include these components in a project, download the Reach QML Components lock file, extract the contents, then copy the components, images, and js folders to your QML project’s folder, overwriting the same-name folders already there.

QML Components for the G2C1 and G2H2 display module.

Alphabetic Field - Horizontal Element

A text box with label in a horizontal layout, which accepts keyboard input when the input box has focus.

Alphabetic Field - Vertical Element

A text box with label in a vertical layout, that accepts keyboard input when the input box has focus.

Animated Switch Element

An animated switch that has two states: on and off.

Bar Chart Element

A bar chart indicator.

CheckBox List - Horizontal Element

A check box list in a horizoltal layout, which can be styled by font and image sources.

CheckBox List - Vertical Element

A check box list in a vertical layout, which can be styled by font and image sources.

Date Field - Horizontal Element

A text box with label in a horizontal layout, which accepts date input when the input box has focus.

Date Field - Vertical Element

A text box with label in a vertical layout, which accepts date input when the input box has focus.

Doughnut Chart Element

An indicator that allows you to display data in a doughnut chart.

Draw Area Element

A canvas area where a user can use a mouse or touch to draw.

Heat Map Element

A two-dimensional heat map chart indicator.

Image Button Element

A push button with a text label.

Knob Element

A knob that has a rotating selection indicator.

LED Light Element

An indicator that has two states: on and off.

Level Indicator - Horizontal Element

A horizontal level indicator.

Level Indicator - Vertical Element

A vertical level indicator.

Line Chart Element

An indicator that displays (plots) data points on a line.

List Field - Horizontal Element

A text box with label in a horizontal layout, which accepts list input when the input box has focus.

List Field - Vertical Element

A text box with label in a vertical layout, which accepts list input when the input box has focus.

Numeric Field - Horizontal Element

A text box with label arranged in a horizontal layout that accepts numeric keyboard input when the input box has focus.

Numeric Field - Vertical Element

A text box with label in a vertical layout, which accepts numeric keyboard input when the input box has focus.

Numeric Selector Element

A two push button component with a text label. Allows a user to push 2 buttons to select a number.

Panel Read Out Element

An indicator that displays text within an image.

Pie Chart Element

An indicator that displays data in a pie chart.

RadioButton List - Horizontal Element

A radio button list in a horizontal layout, which can be styled by font and image sources.

RadioButton List - Vertical Element

A radio button list in a vertical layout, which can be styled by font and image sources.

Scatter Chart Element

Scatter Chart is a type of mathematical diagram using Cartesian coordinates to display values for two variables for a set of data.

Scope Chart Element

An indicator that displays one or more plots of evenly sampled measurements in a left to right direction.

Scrolling Text Box Element

A text box that allows text to dynamicaly scroll.

Slider - Horizontal Element

A horizontal slider.

Slider - Vertical Element

A vertical slider.

Speedometer Element

An indicator that has a rotating needle on a marked background.

Spinner Element

A spinner control to select an item through a finger swipe or mouse swipe.

Strip Chart Element

An indicator that displays one or more plots of evenly sampled measurements in a right to left direction.

Switch Element

A switch button with a text label.

Switch Group - Horizontal Element

A group of switch buttons in a horizontal layout.

Switch Group - Vertical Element

A group of switch buttons in a vertical layout.

Time Field - Horizontal Element

A text box with label in a horizontal layout, which accepts time input when the input box has focus.

Time Field - Vertical Element

A text box with label in a vertical layout, which accepts time input when the input box has focus.

VU Meter Element

An indicator that has a rotating needle on a marked background.

Alphabetic Field - Horizontal Element

A text box with label in a horizontal layout, which accepts keyboard input when the input box has focus. More...


Detailed Description

The AlphaField type provides an input box with a text label that can be styled using field spacings and font properties. When the input box has focus a keyboard will slide out to allow a user to input text.

Here is a simple AlphaField:

 import QtQuick 1.1
 import "components"

 AlphaField {
     id: alphabetic_field1
     fieldSpacing: 4
     keyTextColor: "#ffffff"
     keyTextBold: false
     keyTextFontSize: 14
     keyboardAnimationSpeed: 100
     inputText: ""
     inputColor: "#ffffff"
     inputFontFamily: "DejaVu Sans"
     inputFontPixelSize: 14
     labelText: "Label"
     labelColor: "#000000"
     labelFontFamily: "DejaVu Sans"
     labelFontPixelSize: 14

     onInputTextChanged: {

Property Documentation

fieldSpacing : int

The space in pixels between the label and the input box.

inputColor : color

The color background for the input box.

inputFontBold : bool

Determines if the input font should be bold.

inputFontFamily : string

The font family that will be used for the input box.

inputFontItalic : bool

Determines if the input font should be italic.

inputFontPixelSize : int

The font pixel size that will be used for the input box. Use either inputFontPixelSize or inputFontPointSize.

inputFontPointSize : int

The font point size that will be used for the input box. Use either inputFontPixelSize or inputFontPointSize.

inputFontStrikeout : bool

Determines if the input font should be strikeout.

inputFontUnderline : bool

Determines if the input font should be underlined.

inputText : string

The text that will be displayed for the input box.

keyBoardAnimationSpeed : int

Animation speed for the keyboard to scroll up into position.

keyHeight : int

Height of the keyboard button.

keyTextBold : string

Determines if the key text should be bold.

keyTextColor : string

The color of the text that is on the keyboard button.

keyTextFontSize : int

The font size in pixels of the key text.

keyWidth : int

Width of the keyboard button.

keyboardBackGroundImage : url

Source Image for the keyboard area background.

labelColor : color

The text color for the label.

labelFontBold : bool

Determines if the label font should be bold.

labelFontFamily : string

The font family that will be used for the label.

labelFontItalic : bool

Determines if the label font should be italic.

labelFontPixelSize : int

The font pixel size that will be used for the label. Use either labelFontPixelSize or labelFontPointSize.

labelFontPointSize : int

The font point size that will be used for the label. Use either labelFontPixelSize or labelFontPointSize.

labelFontStrikeout : bool

Determines if the label font should be strikeout.

labelFontUnderline : bool

Determines if the label font should be underlined.

labelText : string

The text that will be displayed for the label.

normalKeyIcon : url

Source Image for the keyboard button up state.

pressedKeyIcon : url

Source Image for the keyboard button down state.

Alphabetic Field - Vertical Element

A text box with label in a vertical layout, that accepts keyboard input when the input box has focus. More...


Detailed Description

The VerticalAlphaField type provides an input box with a text label that can be styled using field spacings and font properties. When the input box has focus a keyboard will slide out to allow a user to input text.

Here is a simple VerticalAlphaField:

 import QtQuick 1.1
 import "components"

 VerticalAlphaField {
     id: alphabetic_field__vertical1
     fieldSpacing: 4
     inputText: ""
     keyTextColor: "#ffffff"
     inputColor: "#ffffff"
     labelColor: "#000000"
     inputFontPixelSize: 14
     keyboardAnimationSpeed: 100
     inputFontFamily: "DejaVu Sans"
     labelFontFamily: "DejaVu Sans"
     labelFontPixelSize: 14
     labelText: "Label"

     onInputTextChanged: {

Property Documentation

fieldSpacing : int

The space in pixels between the label and the input box.

inputColor : color

The color background for the input box.

inputFontBold : bool

Determines if the input font should be bold.

inputFontFamily : string

The font family that will be used for the input box.

inputFontItalic : bool

Determines if the input font should be italic.

inputFontPixelSize : int

The font pixel size that will be used for the input box. Use either inputFontPixelSize or inputFontPointSize.

inputFontPointSize : int

The font point size that will be used for the input box. Use either inputFontPixelSize or inputFontPointSize.

inputFontStrikeout : bool

Determines if the input font should be strikeout.

inputFontUnderline : bool

Determines if the input font should be underlined.

inputText : string

The text that will be displayed for the input box.

keyBoardAnimationSpeed : int

Animation speed for the keyboard to scroll up into position.

keyHeight : int

Height of the keyboard button.

keyTextBold : string

Determines if the key text should be bold.

keyTextColor : string

The color of the text that is on the keyboard button.

keyTextFontSize : int

The font size in pixels of the key text.

keyWidth : int

Width of the keyboard button.

keyboardBackGroundImage : url

Source Image for the keyboard area background.

labelColor : color

The text color for the label.

labelFontBold : bool

Determines if the label font should be bold.

labelFontFamily : string

The font family that will be used for the label.

labelFontItalic : bool

Determines if the label font should be italic.

labelFontPixelSize : int

The font pixel size that will be used for the label. Use either labelFontPixelSize or labelFontPointSize.

labelFontPointSize : int

The font point size that will be used for the label. Use either labelFontPixelSize or labelFontPointSize.

labelFontStrikeout : bool

Determines if the label font should be strikeout.

labelFontUnderline : bool

Determines if the label font should be underlined.

labelText : string

The text that will be displayed for the label.

normalKeyIcon : url

Source Image for the keyboard button up state.

pressedKeyIcon : url

Source Image for the keyboard button down state.

Animated Switch Element

An animated switch that has two states: on and off. More...


Detailed Description

The animated switch type provides a switch button with image animation. The control can be created using 2 or 3 images.

Here is a simple animated switch using 2 images:

 import QtQuick 1.1
 import "components"

 AnimatedSwitch {
     id: animatedswitch1
     width: 130
     height: 56
     on: false
     imageOn: ""
     textOffX: 78
     sliderImage: "images/knob.svg"
     textOnX: 18
     imageOff: "images/background.svg"
     sliderImageY: 2
     imageOffHeight: 56
     imageOffWidth: 130
     textColor: "#ffffff"
     font.family: "DejaVu Sans"
     font.bold: false
     sliderImageOffX: 78
     textOn: "On"
     sliderImageOnX: 1
     font.pixelSize: 22
     textOff: "Off"

     onOnChanged: {

Here is a simple animated switch using 3 images:

 import QtQuick 1.1
 import "components"

     id: animatedswitch2
     width: 100;
     height: 27;
     on: true
     imageOff: "images/off.png"
     imageOffWidth: 100
     imageOffHeight: 27
     sliderImage: "images/slider.png"
     imageOn: "images/on.png"
     imageOnWidth: 100
     imageOnHeight: 27
     sliderImageOnX: 0
     sliderImageY: 0
     sliderImageOffX: 62
     textOnX: 18
     textOffX: 54
     textColor: "#000000"

     onOnChanged: {


Property Documentation

font : font

The font properties of the text.

imageOff : url

The source image for the off state.

imageOn : url

The source image for the on state. This can be left blank if a slider image is used.

on : bool

Determines if the switch is on or off.

sliderImage : url

The source image for the animated slider image.

sliderImageOffX : int

The horizontal x position of the slider image when the switch is in the off state.

sliderImageOnX : int

The horizontal x position of the slider image when the switch is in on state.

sliderImageY : int

The vertical y position of the slider image in relation to the imageOff source.

textColor : color

The color of the text.

textOff : string

The text to display when the switch is in the off state.

textOffX : int

The horizontal position where we will position the text when the switch is in the off state.

textOn : string

The text to display when the switch is in the on state.

textOnX : int

The horizontal position where we will position the text when the switch is in the on state.

width : int

The width of the animated switch, usually the width of the background image.

Bar Chart Element

A bar chart indicator. More...


Detailed Description

A bar chart is a way of showing data as bars. It is sometimes used to show trend data, and the comparison of multiple data sets side by side. The bar chart has the a very similar data structure to the line chart, and has an array of datasets, each with colours and an array of data. Again, colors are in CSS format. There is an array of labels for display.

 import QtQuick 1.1
 import "components"

 // Here is a simple barchart:
 BarChart {
     id: bar_chart1
     width: 440
     height: 180
     showLegend: true
     scaleShowGridLines: true
     scaleLineWidth: 1
     scaleFontStyle: "normal"
     barStrokeWidth: 2
     scaleOverlay: true
     scaleLabel: "<%=value%>"
     barDatasetSpacing: 1
     scaleLineColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.1)"
     barShowStroke: true
     scaleFontFamily: "DejaVu Sans"
     scaleShowLabels: true
     scaleFontColor: "#666"
     barValueSpacing: 5
     scaleGridLineColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.05)"
     scaleFontSize: 10
     scaleGridLineWidth: 1

        labels : ["Jan","Feb","March","April","May","June","July"],
        datasets : [
            text: "Data 1",
            fillColor : "rgba(220,220,220,0.5)",
            strokeColor : "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
            data : [65,59,90,81,56,55,40]
            text: "Data 2",
            fillColor : "rgba(151,187,205,0.5)",
            strokeColor : "rgba(151,187,205,1)",
            data : [28,48,40,19,96,27,100]
            text: "Data 3",
            fillColor : "rgba(255,0,0,0.7)",
            strokeColor : "rgba(255,0,0,1)",
            data : [18,38,30,100,96,37,100]


Property Documentation

barDatasetSpacing : int

The spacing between data sets in pixels.

barShowStroke : bool

Determines if there is a stroke outline on each bar.

barStrokeWidth : int

The pixel width of the bar stroke.

barValueSpacing : int

The spacing between each of the value sets.

data : variant

The data structure consistes of labels array and an array of datasets. The datasets consists of colors and an array of data. Here is an example:

var data = { labels : ["January","February","March","April","May","June","July"], datasets : [ { fillColor : "rgba(220,220,220,0.5)", strokeColor : "rgba(220,220,220,1)", data : [65,59,90,81,56,55,40] }, { fillColor : "rgba(151,187,205,0.5)", strokeColor : "rgba(151,187,205,1)", data : [28,48,40,19,96,27,100] } ] }

height : int

The height of the chart.

scaleFontColor : string

The font color for the scale label.

scaleFontFamily : string

The font family declaration for the scale label.

scaleFontSize : int

The font pixel size for the scale label.

scaleFontStyle : string

The font style for the scale label. Values can be "bold" or "normal".

scaleGridLineColor : string

The color of the grid lines.

scaleGridLineWidth : int

The width of the grid lines.

scaleLabel : string

Use if you want to add symbols or text to the labels of the scale. Example: "<%=value%> C". If you wanted to add the Celcius label to the Y values of the chart.

scaleLineColor : string

The color of the scale line - x and y axis lines.

scaleLineWidth : int

The pixel width of the scale line - x and y axis lines.

scaleOverlay : bool

Determines if we show the scale above the chart data.

scaleOverride : bool

Set to true if you do not want the scale to be calculated.

scaleShowGridLines : bool

Determines whether grid lines are shown across the chart.

scaleShowLabels : bool

Determines whether to show labels on the scale.

scaleStartValue : int

Required if scaleOverride is set to true. The scale staring value.

scaleStepWidth : int

Required if scaleOverride is set to true. The value jump in the hard coded scale.

scaleSteps : int

Required if scaleOverride is set to true. The number of steps in the hard coded scale.

showLegend : bool

Determines whether to show a legend.

width : int

The width of the chart.

CheckBox List - Horizontal Element

A check box list in a horizontal layout, which can be styled by font and image sources. More...


Detailed Description

The HorizontalCheckBoxList type provides a multi-selection check box group that is arranged in a horizontal layout.

Here is a simple HorizontalCheckListBox:

 import QtQuick 1.1
 import "components"

 HorizontalCheckBoxList {
     id: checkbox_list1
     textColor: "#000000"
     font.family: "DejaVu Sans"
     font.bold: false
     font.pixelSize: 16
     imageHeight: 28
     imageWidth: 28
     spacing: 4
     itemSpacing: 8

     model: ListModel {
         ListElement {
             item_value: "1"
             item_text: "check 1"
             item_checked: true

         ListElement {
             item_value: "2"
             item_text: "check 2"
             item_checked: false
     imageUnChecked: "images/checkbox.bmp"
     imageChecked: "images/checkbox_click.bmp"

     onValuesChanged: {
         for (var i=0; i < values.count; i++)

Property Documentation

font : font

The font properties for the check list item text.

imageChecked : string

The source image for the check list item checked state.

imageHeight : int

The height of the images used for the checked and unchecked state.

imageUnChecked : string

The source image for the check list item unchecked state.

imageWidth : int

The width of the images used for the checked and unchecked state.

model : model

The data model used for the check list box items.

It must be in this format: ListModel { ListElement { item_value: "1" item_text: "check 1" item_checked: true }

ListElement { item_value: "2" item_text: "check 2" item_checked: false } }

textColor : string

The text color for the check list item text.

values : model

The data model used to store the selected values of the control.

CheckBox List - Vertical Element

A check box list in a vertical layout, which can be styled by font and image sources. More...


Detailed Description

The VerticalCheckBoxList type provides a multi-selection check box group that is arranged in a vertical layout.

Here is a simple VerticalCheckListBox:

 import QtQuick 1.1
 import "components"

 VerticalCheckBoxList {
     id: checkbox_list1
     textColor: "#000000"
     font.family: "DejaVu Sans"
     font.bold: false
     font.pixelSize: 16
     imageHeight: 28
     imageWidth: 28
     spacing: 4
     itemSpacing: 8

     model: ListModel {
         ListElement {
             item_value: "1"
             item_text: "check 1"
             item_checked: true

         ListElement {
             item_value: "2"
             item_text: "check 2"
             item_checked: false
     imageUnChecked: "images/checkbox.bmp"
     imageChecked: "images/checkbox_click.bmp"

     onValuesChanged: {
         for (var i=0; i < values.count; i++)

Property Documentation

font : font

The font properties for the check list item text.

imageChecked : string

The source image for the check list item checked state.

imageHeight : int

The height of the images used for the checked and unchecked state.

imageUnChecked : string

The source image for the check list item unchecked state.

imageWidth : int

The width of the images used for the checked and unchecked state.

model : model

The data model used for the check list box items.

It must be in this format: ListModel { ListElement { item_value: "1" item_text: "check 1" item_checked: true }

ListElement { item_value: "2" item_text: "check 2" item_checked: false } }

textColor : string

The text color for the check list item text.

values : model

The data model used to store the selected values of the control.

Date Field - Horizontal Element

A text box with label in a horizontal layout, which accepts date input when the input box has focus. More...


Detailed Description

The DateField type provides an input box with a text label that can be styled using field spacings and font properties. When the input box has focus a date picker will slide out to allow a user to input a date.

Here is a simple DateField:

 import QtQuick 1.1
 import "components"

 DateField {
     width: 160
     height: 36
     year: 2015
     minYear: 2000
     maxYear: 2030
     month: 1
     day: 1
     dateMask: "mon dd yyyy"
     labelText: "Date"
     labelFontPixelSize: 15
     labelFontBold: false
     labelFontFamily: "DejaVu Sans"
     inputFontFamily: "DejaVu Sans"
     inputFontPixelSize: 15
     fieldSpacing: 8
     borderColor: "#ffffff"
     borderWidth: 2
     borderRadius: 4
     backgroundColor: "#424242"
     caption: "System Date"
     captionFont.bold: true
     captionFont.family: "DejaVu Sans"
     captionFontColor: "#ffffff"
     captionFont.pixelSize: 20
     dateFontColor: "#000000"
     dateFont.family: "DejaVu Sans"
     dateFont.pixelSize: 18
     dateFont.bold: true
     spacing: 10
     buttonBackgroundColor: "#bbb7bb"
     buttonFont.bold: false
     buttonFontColor: "#000000"
     buttonFont.family: "DejaVu Sans"
     buttonFont.pixelSize: 15

Property Documentation

backgroundColor : string

The background color of the date picker.

borderColor : string

The border color of the date picker.

borderRadius : int

The border radius of the date picker.

borderWidth : int

The border width of the date picker.

buttonBackgroundColor : string

The background color of the button area of date picker.

buttonFont.bold : bool

Determines if the button text of the date picker should be bold.

buttonFont.family : string

The font family that will be used for the button text of the date picker.

buttonFont.pixelSize : int

The font size in pixels of the button text of the date picker.

buttonFontColor : string

The font color of the button text of the date picker.

caption : string

The text that will be used for the date picker caption.

captionFont.bold : bool

Determines if the caption text of the date picker should be bold.

captionFont.family : string

The font family that will be used for the caption text of the date picker.

captionFont.pixelSize : int

The font size in pixels of the caption text of the date picker.

captionFontColor : string

The font color of the caption text of the date picker.

dateFont.bold : bool

Determines if the date field text should be bold.

dateFont.family : string

The font family that will be used for the date field text.

dateFont.pixelSize : int

The font size in pixels of the date field text of the date picker.

dateFontColor : string

The color of the text for the date fields of the date picker.

day : int

Sets the initial day.

fieldSpacing : int

The space in pixels between the label and the input box.

inputColor : color

The color background for the input box.

inputFontBold : bool

Determines if the input font should be bold.

inputFontFamily : string

The font family that will be used for the input box.

inputFontItalic : bool

Determines if the input font should be italic.

inputFontPixelSize : int

The font pixel size that will be used for the input box.

inputFontStrikeout : bool

Determines if the input font should be strikeout.

inputFontUnderline : bool

Determines if the input font should be underlined.

keyBoardAnimationSpeed : int

Animation speed for the time picker to scroll up into position.

keyboardBackGroundImage : url

Source Image for the time picker area background.

labelColor : color

The text color for the label.

labelFontBold : bool

Determines if the label font should be bold.

labelFontFamily : string

The font family that will be used for the label.

labelFontItalic : bool

Determines if the label font should be italic.

labelFontPixelSize : int

The font pixel size that will be used for the label.

labelFontStrikeout : bool

Determines if the label font should be strikeout.

labelFontUnderline : bool

Determines if the label font should be underlined.

labelText : string

The text that will be displayed for the label.

maxYear : int

The maximum year allowed to be entered.

minYear : int

The minimum year allowed to be entered.

month : int

Sets the initial month.

spacing : int

The spacing width between the date controls of the date picker.

year : int

Sets the initial hour.

Date Field - Vertical Element

A text box with label in a vertical layout, which accepts date input when the input box has focus. More...


Detailed Description

The VerticalDateField type provides an input box with a text label that can be styled using field spacings and font properties. When the input box has focus a date picker will slide out to allow a user to input a date.

Here is a simple VerticalDateField:

 import QtQuick 1.1
 import "components"

 VerticalDateField {
     year: 2015
     minYear: 2000
     maxYear: 2030
     month: 1
     day: 1
     dateMask: "mon dd yyyy"
     labelText: "Date"
     labelFontPixelSize: 15
     labelFontBold: false
     labelFontFamily: "DejaVu Sans"
     inputFontFamily: "DejaVu Sans"
     inputFontPixelSize: 15
     fieldSpacing: 8
     borderColor: "#ffffff"
     borderWidth: 2
     borderRadius: 4
     backgroundColor: "#424242"
     caption: "System Date"
     captionFont.bold: true
     captionFont.family: "DejaVu Sans"
     captionFontColor: "#ffffff"
     captionFont.pixelSize: 20
     dateFontColor: "#000000"
     dateFont.family: "DejaVu Sans"
     dateFont.pixelSize: 18
     dateFont.bold: true
     spacing: 10
     buttonBackgroundColor: "#bbb7bb"
     buttonFont.bold: false
     buttonFontColor: "#000000"
     buttonFont.family: "DejaVu Sans"
     buttonFont.pixelSize: 15

Property Documentation

backgroundColor : string

The background color of the date picker.

borderColor : string

The border color of the date picker.

borderRadius : int

The border radius of the date picker.

borderWidth : int

The border width of the date picker.

buttonBackgroundColor : string

The background color of the button area of date picker.

buttonFont.bold : bool

Determines if the button text of the date picker should be bold.

buttonFont.family : string

The font family that will be used for the button text of the date picker.

buttonFont.pixelSize : int

The font size in pixels of the button text of the date picker.

buttonFontColor : string

The font color of the button text of the date picker.

caption : string

The text that will be used for the date picker caption.

captionFont.bold : bool

Determines if the caption text of the date picker should be bold.

captionFont.family : string

The font family that will be used for the caption text of the date picker.

captionFont.pixelSize : int

The font size in pixels of the caption text of the date picker.

captionFontColor : string

The font color of the caption text of the date picker.

dateFont.bold : bool

Determines if the date field text should be bold.

dateFont.family : string

The font family that will be used for the date field text.

dateFont.pixelSize : int

The font size in pixels of the date field text of the date picker.

dateFontColor : string

The color of the text for the date fields of the date picker.

day : int

Sets the initial day.

fieldSpacing : int

The space in pixels between the label and the input box.

inputColor : color

The color background for the input box.

inputFontBold : bool

Determines if the input font should be bold.

inputFontFamily : string

The font family that will be used for the input box.

inputFontItalic : bool

Determines if the input font should be italic.

inputFontPixelSize : int

The font pixel size that will be used for the input box.

inputFontStrikeout : bool

Determines if the input font should be strikeout.

inputFontUnderline : bool

Determines if the input font should be underlined.

keyBoardAnimationSpeed : int

Animation speed for the time picker to scroll up into position.

keyboardBackGroundImage : url

Source Image for the time picker area background.

labelColor : color

The text color for the label.

labelFontBold : bool

Determines if the label font should be bold.

labelFontFamily : string

The font family that will be used for the label.

labelFontItalic : bool

Determines if the label font should be italic.

labelFontPixelSize : int

The font pixel size that will be used for the label.

labelFontStrikeout : bool

Determines if the label font should be strikeout.

labelFontUnderline : bool

Determines if the label font should be underlined.

labelText : string

The text that will be displayed for the label.

maxYear : int

The maximum year allowed to be entered.

minYear : int

The minimum year allowed to be entered.

month : int

Sets the initial month.

spacing : int

The spacing width between the date controls of the date picker.

year : int

Sets the initial hour.

Doughnut Chart Element

An indicator that allows you to display data in a doughnut chart. More...


Detailed Description

The DoughnutChart type provides a visual chart divided into segments, the arc of each segment shows a the proportional value of each piece of data.

 import QtQuick 1.1
 import "components"

 // Here is a simple doughnut chart:

 DoughnutChart {
     id: doughnut_chart1
     width: 200
     height: 200
     legendFontColor: "#000"
     percentageInnerCutout: 50
     segmentStrokeColor: "#ffffff"
     legendFontSize: 10
     legendFontFamily: "DejaVu Sans"
     segmentStrokeWidth: 2
     legendFontStyle: "normal"
     segmentShowStroke: true
     showLegend: true
     innerCutoutColor: "#ffffff"

     data : [
         text: "Series 1",
         value: 30,
         text: "Series 2",
         value : 50,
         color : "#E2EAE9"
         text: "Series 3",
         value : 100,
         color : "#D4CCC5"
         text: "Series 4",
         value : 40,
         color : "#949FB1"
         text: "Series 5",
         value : 120,
         color : "#4D5360"


Property Documentation

data : variant

For a pie chart, you must pass in an array of objects with text, a value and a color property. The value attribute should be a number, we will total all of the numbers and calculate the relative proportion of each. The color attribute should be a string. Similar to CSS, for this string you can use HEX notation, RGB, RGBA or HSL. The text will be used for the legend labels.

height : int

The height of the doughnut chart chart.

innerCutoutColor : string

The inner cutout color.

legendFontColor : string

The legend label font color.

legendFontFamily : string

The font family declaration for the legend labels.

legendFontSize : int

The legend label font size in pixels.

legendFontStyle : string

The legend label font weight style. The correct values are "normal" and "bold".

percentageInnerCutout : real

The size of the doughnut hole in relation to the height and width of the chart.

segmentShowStroke : bool

Determines whether we should show a stroke on each segment.

segmentStrokeColor : string

The color of each segment stroke.

segmentStrokeWidth : int

The width of each segment stroke.

showLegend : bool

Determines whether we should show a legend.

width : int

The width of the doughnut chart.

Draw Area Element

A canvas area where a user can use a mouse or touch to draw. More...


Detailed Description

The DrawArea type provides a way to capture drawings with the mouse or touch.

 import QtQuick 1.1
 import "components"

 // Here is a simple draw area:

 DrawArea {
     id: draw_area1
     width: 400
     height: 200
     color: "#ffffff"
     penWidth: 2
     borderColor: "#000000"
     penColor: "#000000"
     borderWidth: 4

Property Documentation

borderColor : string

The color of the border around the draw area.

borderWidth : int

The width of the border around the draw area.

color : string

The background color of the draw area.

height : int

The height of the draw area.

penColor : string

The color of the pen used for drawing.

penWidth : int

The width of the pen used for drawing.

width : int

The width of the draw area.

Heat Map Element

A two-dimensional heat map chart indicator. More...


Detailed Description

A heat map is a graphical representation of data where the values taken by a variable in a two-dimensional map are represented as colors.

 import QtQuick 1.1
 import "components"

 // Here is a simple heat map:

 HeatMap {
     id: heatmap
     width: 400
     height: 200
     radius: 20
     max: 20
     min: 0
     calculateIntensity: true
     intensity: 0

 // The data model is as follows:
 // x and y are the coordinates in relation to the center of the heat map.
 // count is the data that is to be used if the intensity is to be calculated.

 ListModel {
     id: data
     ListElement {
         x: 10
         y: 20
         count: 18

     ListElement {
         x: 25
         y: 50
         count: 14

     ListElement {
         x: -50
         y: -10
         count: 10

     ListElement {
         x: 12
         y: 22
         count: 16

     ListElement {
         x: 1
         y: 2
         count: 4

 // This is an example function to populate the data model of the heatmap.
 function populateHeatMap()
     var xMin = -heatmap.width/2;
     var xMax = heatmap.width/2;
     var yMin = -heatmap.height/2;
     var yMax = heatmap.height/2;

     for (var i=0; i < 200; i++)
         var data = {"x": getRandomInt(xMin, xMax), "y": getRandomInt(yMin, yMax), "count": getRandomInt(heatmap.min, heatmap.max)};


 function getRandomInt(min, max) {
     return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;

Property Documentation

calculateIntensity : bool

Determines if we calculate the intensity. If false then a single image is used for each data point depending on the value of the intensity property.

height : int

The height of the heat map.

intensity : real

A number between 0.1 and 1 that will be used to select an image for each data point in the model.

max : int

The maximun number, used to calculate the intensity.

min : int

The minimum number, used to calculate the intensity.

radius : int

The width and height to draw the heat image.

width : int

The width of the heat map.

Image Button Element

A push button with a text label. More...


Detailed Description

The ImageButton type provides a button with a text label that can be styled using images.

Here is a simple ImageButton:

 import QtQuick 1.1
 import "components"

     ImageButton {
         id: image_button1
         width: 60
         height: 40
         text: "Test"
         imageUp: "images/internal_button_up.bmp"
         font.pixelSize: 18
         textColor: "#000000"
         imageDown: "images/internal_button_dn.bmp"
         font.bold: false
         font.family: "DejaVu Sans"
         onButtonClick: console.debug("clicked");
         onButtonPress: console.debug("pressed");
         onButtonRelease: console.debug("released");

Property Documentation

autoRepeat : bool

If autoRepeat is enabled, then the buttonPress(), buttonRelease(), and buttonClick() signals are emitted at regular intervals when the button is down. autoRepeat is off by default. The initial delay and the repetition interval are defined in milliseconds by autoRepeatInterval.

autoRepeatInterval : bool

The time in milliseconds of the button's autorepeat interval.

disabled : bool

Determines if the ImageButton is enabled.

font : font

The font properties of the text of the label.

height : int

The height of the image button.

imageDown : url

The source image for the button's down state.

imageUp : url

The source image for the button's up state.

text : string

The text of the label shown within the button.

textColor : string

The color of the text of the label.

width : int

The width of the image button.

Knob Element

A knob that has a rotating selection indicator. More...


Detailed Description

The Knob type provides a visual dial that is styled using images.

Here is a simple Knob:

 import QtQuick 1.1
 import "components"

 Knob {
     id: knob1
     width: 180
     height: 180
     hintBorderColor: "#000000"
     imageNeedleHeight: 108
     imageBase: "images/dialbase.png"
     showHint: true
     hintBorderWidth: 2
     hintFontFamily: "DejaVu Sans"
     imageNeedle: "images/dialneedle.png"
     hintBackgroundColor: "#ffffff"
     hintFontColor: "#000000"
     hintFontPixelSize: 16
     remove: false
     initialIndex: 0
     mouseAreaWidth: 77
     mouseAreaHeight: 77
     textColor: "#ffffff"
     imageNeedleWidth: 108
     font.family: "Arial"
     imageBaseHeight: 108
     font.bold: false
     hintRadius: 9
     imageBaseWidth: 108
     hintWidth: 40
     add: false
     hintHeight: 40
     font.pixelSize: 16
     model:  ListModel{
         id: data
             index: 0
             value: 0
             index: 1
             value: 1
             index: 2
             value: 2
             index: 3
             value: 3
             index: 4
             value: 4
             index: 5
             value: 5

     onKnobValueChanged: console.debug(knobValue);

Property Documentation

add : bool

Allow users to add items to the knob's model data.

font : font

The font characteristics for the numbers that are drawn around the knob.

height : int

The height of the knob.

hintBackgroundColor : string

The background color of the hint box.

hintBorderColor : string

The border color of the hint box.

hintBorderWidth : int

The border width of the hint box.

hintFontColor : string

The color to use for text of the hint box.

hintFontFamily : string

The font family to use for the text of the hint box.

hintFontPixelSize : string

The pixel size to use for text of the hint box.

hintHeight : int

The height of the hint box.

hintRadius : int

The radius of the hint box. Determines the roundness of the hint box.

hintWidth : int

The width of the hint box.

imageBase : url

The source image for the knob's background.

imageBaseHeight : int

The height of the knob background image.

imageBaseWidth : int

The width of the knob background image.

imageNeedle : url

The source image for the knob's needle image.

imageNeedleHeight : int

The height of the needle image.

imageNeedleWidth : int

The width of the needle image.

initialIndex : int

The initial index for the knob. This will be where the needle will point at initialization.

knobValue : real

The current value for the knob.

mouseAreaHeight : int

The height of the mouse area used to move the needle.

mouseAreaWidth : int

The width of the mouse area used to move the needle.

remove : bool

Allow users to remove data items from the knob's model data.

showHint : bool

Determines if we show the value to the user in a hint box.

textColor : string

The text color for the numbers that are drawn around the knob.

value : real

Sets the knobValue without user intervention.

width : int

The width of the knob.

LED Light Element

An indicator that has two states: on and off. More...


Detailed Description

The LEDLight type provides a visual on and off state. The control has an on and off state that is styled with two images and text.

 import QtQuick 1.1
 import "components"

 // Here is a simple led light using 2 images:

 LEDLight {
     id: led_light1
     x: 291
     y: 148
     width: 60
     height: 60
     on: false
     font.pixelSize: 12
     textColor: "#000000"
     textPosition: "bottom"
     label: "Label"
     fieldSpacing: 6
     font.bold: false
     font.family: "DejaVu Sans"
     imageOff: "images/ledoff.png"
     imageOn: "images/ledon.png"

     onOnChanged: {

Property Documentation

filedSpacing : int

The spacing between the label and the images.

font : font

The font properties of the text label.

height : int

The height of the control, usually the height of the images used.

imageOff : url

The source image for the off state.

imageOn : url

The source image for the on state.

label : string

The text to display for the light.

on : bool

Determines if the light is on or off.

textColor : color

The color of the text label.

textPosition : font

The text position of the label in relation to the image. The options are bottom, top, left and right.

width : int

The width of the control, usually the width of the images used.

Level Indicator - Horizontal Element

A horizontal level indicator. More...


Detailed Description

The HorizontalLevelIndicator type provides a horizontal component that can be styled with a background image and an overlay image. The component is used to show a single data point value between a min and a max value.

Here is a simple HorizontalLevelIndicator:

 import QtQuick 1.1
 import "components"

 HorizontalLevelIndicator {
     id: level_indicator___horizontal1
     width: 200
     height: 20
     minValue: 0
     maxValue: 50
     value: 0
     increment: 4
     startPosition: "left"
     imageBase: "images/tank.png"
     imageOverlay: "images/tank_overlay.png"
     showHint: true
     hintFontFamily: "DejaVu Sans"
     hintFontPixelSize: 14
     hintFontColor: "#000000"

     onValueChanged: {

Property Documentation

height : int

The height of the component, usually the height of the base image.

hintFontBold : bool

Determines if the text of the value should be bold.

hintFontColor : string

The font color to use for text of the value.

hintFontFamily : string

The font family to use for the text of the value.

hintFontItalic : bool

Determines if the text of the value should be italic.

hintFontPixelSize : string

The font pixel size to use for text of the value.

hintFontPointSize : string

The font point size to use for text of the value.

hintFontStrikeout : bool

Determines if the text of the value should be strike out.

hintFontUnderLine : bool

Determines if the text of the value should be underlined.

imageBase : url

The source for the components background image.

imageOverlay : url

The source for the components overlay image. This image will be transposed over the base image in increments.

increment : int

The increment in pixels the overlay image is to cover the base image is determined by the value and the min and max values. In the above example, the base image is 190 pixels in width. The min value is 0 and the max value is 10. That will provide an increment of 19 pixels per unit of value.

maxValue : int

The maximum value for the component.

minValue : int

The minimum value for the component.

showHint : bool

Determines if current value is visible to the user in the center of the control.

value : int

The current value for the component.

width : int

The width of the component, usually the width of the base image.

Level Indicator - Vertical Element

A vertical level indicator. More...


Detailed Description

The VerticalLevelIndicator type provides a vertical component that can be styled with a background image and an overlay image. The component is used to show a single data point value between a min and a max value.

Here is a simple VerticalLevelIndicator:

 import QtQuick 1.1
 import "components"

 VerticalLevelIndicator {
     id: level_indicator___vertical1
     width: 28
     height: 160
     value: 0
     minValue: 0
     maxValue: 18
     increment: 9
     imageBase: "images/level.png"
     imageOverlay: "images/level_overlay.png"
     startPosition: "bottom"
     showHint: true
     hintFontFamily: "DejaVu Sans"
     hintFontPixelSize: 14
     hintFontColor: "#000000"

     onValueChanged: {

Property Documentation

height : int

The height of the component, usually the base image.

hintFontBold : bool

Determines if the text of the value shuld be bold.

hintFontColor : string

The font color to use for text of the value.

hintFontFamily : string

The font family to use for the text of the value.

hintFontItalic : bool

Determines if the text of the value shuld be italic.

hintFontPixelSize : string

The font pixel size to use for text of the value.

hintFontPointSize : string

The font point size to use for text of the value.

hintFontStrikeout : bool

Determines if the text of the value shuld be strike out.

hintFontUnderLine : bool

Determines if the text of the value shuld be underlined.

imageBase : url

The source for the components background image.

imageOverlay : url

The source for the components overlay image. This image will be transposed over the base image in increments.

increment : int

The increment in pixels the overlay image is to cover the base image is determined by the value and the min and max values. In the above example, the base image is 160 pixels in width. The min value is 0 and the max value is 18. That will provide an increment of 9 pixels per unit of value.

maxValue : int

The maximum value for the component.

minValue : int

The minimum value for the component.

showHint : bool

Determines if current value is visible to the user in the center of the control.

startPosition : string

Determines if the animation is to start from the 'top' or the 'bottom' of the control.

symbol : string

Text to append to the hint text.

value : int

The current value for the component.

valueScale : int

The number to adjust the value if needed.

width : int

The width of the component, usually the base image.

Line Chart Element

An indicator that displays (plots) data points on a line. More...


Detailed Description

The line chart has the a very similar data structure to the bar chart, and has an array of datasets, each with colours and an array of data. Again, colors are in CSS format. There is an array of labels for display.

 import QtQuick 1.1
 import "components"

 // Here is a simple linechart:

 LineChart {
     id: line_chart1
     x: 18
     y: 84
     width: 440
     height: 180
     showLegend: true
     scaleShowGridLines: true
     datasetStroke: true
     datasetStrokeWidth: 2
     datasetFill: true
     scaleLineWidth: 1
     scaleFontStyle: "normal"
     pointDotStrokeWidth: 2
     scaleOverlay: true
     scaleLabel: "<%=value%>"
     pointDot: true
     scaleLineColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.1)"
     pointDotRadius: 4
     scaleFontFamily: "DejaVu Sans"
     scaleShowLabels: true
     scaleFontColor: "#666"
     bezierCurve: true
     scaleGridLineColor: "rgba(0,0,0,0.05)"
     scaleFontSize: 10
     scaleGridLineWidth: 1

     data: [{
         labels : ["Jan","Feb","March","April","May","June","July"],
         datasets : [
                 text: "Data 1",
                 fillColor : "rgba(220,220,220,0.5)",
                 strokeColor : "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
                 pointColor : "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
                 pointStrokeColor : "#fff",
                 data : [65,59,90,81,56,55,40]
                 text: "Data 2",
                 fillColor : "rgba(151,187,205,0.5)",
                 strokeColor : "rgba(151,187,205,1)",
                 pointColor : "rgba(151,187,205,1)",
                 pointStrokeColor : "#fff",
                 data : [28,48,40,19,96,27,100]



Property Documentation

bezierCurve : bool

Determines whether the line is curved between points.

data : variant

The data structure consistes of labels array and an array of datasets. The datasets consists of colors and an array of data. Here is an example:

var lineData = { labels : ["Jan","Feb","March","April","May","June","July"], datasets : [ { text: "Data 1", fillColor : "rgba(220,220,220,0.5)", strokeColor : "rgba(220,220,220,1)", pointColor : "rgba(220,220,220,1)", pointStrokeColor : "#fff", data : [65,59,90,81,56,55,40] }, { text: "Data 2", fillColor : "rgba(151,187,205,0.5)", strokeColor : "rgba(151,187,205,1)", pointColor : "rgba(151,187,205,1)", pointStrokeColor : "#fff", data : [28,48,40,19,96,27,100] } ]


datasetFill : bool

Determines whether to fill the dataset with a color.

datasetStroke : bool

Determines whether to show a stroke for the datasets.

datasetStrokeWidth : int

The pixel width of the dataset stroke.

height : int

The height of the chart.

pointDot : bool

Determines whether to show a dot for each point.

pointDotRadius : int

The radius of each point dot in pixels.

pointDotStrokeWidth : int

The pixel width of the point dot stroke.

scaleFontColor : string

The font color for the scale label.

scaleFontFamily : string

The font family declaration for the scale label.

scaleFontSize : int

The font pixel size for the scale label.

scaleFontStyle : string

The font style for the scale label. Values can be "bold" or "normal".

scaleGridLineColor : string

The color of the grid lines.

scaleGridLineWidth : int

The width of the grid lines.

scaleLineColor : string

The color of the scale line - x and y axis lines.

scaleLineWidth : int

The pixel width of the scale line - x and y axis lines.

scaleOverlay : bool

Determines if we show the scale above the chart data.

scaleOverride : bool

Set to true if you do not want the scale to be calculated.

scaleShowGridLines : bool

Determines whether grid lines are shown across the chart.

scaleShowLabels : bool

Determines whether to show labels on the scale.

scaleStartValue : int

Required if scaleOverride is set to true. The scale staring value.

scaleStepWidth : int

Required if scaleOverride is set to true. The value jump in the hard coded scale.

showLegend : bool

Determines whether to show a legend.

width : int

The width of the chart.

List Field - Horizontal Element

A text box with label in a horizontal layout, which accepts list input when the input box has focus. More...


Detailed Description

The ListField type provides an input box with a text label that can be styled using field spacings and font properties. When the input box has focus a list picker will slide out to allow a user to choose an item.

Here is a simple ListField:

 import QtQuick 1.1
 import "components"

 ListField {
     width: 160
     height: 36
     value: 1
     labelText: "Label"
     labelFontFamily: "DejaVu Sans"
     labelFontPixelSize: 15
     labelFontBold: false
     inputFontFamily: "DejaVu Sans"
     inputFontPixelSize: 15
     fieldSpacing: 8
     backgroundColor: "#424242"
     borderWidth: 2
     borderRadius: 4
     borderColor: "#ffffff"
     spacing: 10
     listItemHeight: 32
     scrollBarWidth: 10
     caption: "Set List"
     captionFontColor: "#ffffff"
     captionFont.family: "DejaVu Sans"
     captionFont.pixelSize: 20
     captionFont.bold: true
     listFontColor: "#000000"
     listFont.family: "DejaVu Sans"
     listFont.bold: true
     listFont.pixelSize: 18

     model: ListModel {
         ListElement {
             text: "Choice 1"
             value: 1

         ListElement {
             text: "Choice 2"
             value: 2

         ListElement {
             text: "Choice 3"
             value: 3

         ListElement {
             text: "Choice 4"
             value: 4

         ListElement {
             text: "Choice 5"
             value: 5

         ListElement {
             text: "Choice 6"
             value: 6

         ListElement {
             text: "Choice 7"
             value: 7

         ListElement {
             text: "Choice 8"
             value: 8

         ListElement {
             text: "Choice 9"
             value: 9

         ListElement {
             text: "Choice 10"
             value: 10

Property Documentation

backgroundColor : string

The background color of the list picker.

borderColor : string

The border color of the list picker.

borderRadius : int

The border radius of the list picker.

borderWidth : int

The border width of the list picker.

caption : string

The text that will be used for the list picker caption.

captionFont.bold : bool

Determines if the caption text of the list picker should be bold.

captionFont.family : string

The font family that will be used for the caption text of the list picker.

captionFont.pixelSize : int

The font size in pixels of the caption text of the list picker.

captionFontColor : string

The font color of the caption text of the list picker.

fieldSpacing : int

The space in pixels between the label and the input box.

inputColor : color

The color background for the input box.

inputFontBold : bool

Determines if the input font should be bold.

inputFontFamily : string

The font family that will be used for the input box.

inputFontItalic : bool

Determines if the input font should be italic.

inputFontPixelSize : int

The font pixel size that will be used for the input box.

inputFontStrikeout : bool

Determines if the input font should be strikeout.

inputFontUnderline : bool

Determines if the input font should be underlined.

keyBoardAnimationSpeed : int

Animation speed for the list picker to scroll up into position.

keyboardBackGroundImage : url

Source Image for the list picker area background.

labelColor : color

The text color for the label.

labelFontBold : bool

Determines if the label font should be bold.

labelFontFamily : string

The font family that will be used for the label.

labelFontItalic : bool

Determines if the label font should be italic.

labelFontPixelSize : int

The font pixel size that will be used for the label.

labelFontStrikeout : bool

Determines if the label font should be strikeout.

labelFontUnderline : bool

Determines if the label font should be underlined.

labelText : string

The text that will be displayed for the label.

listFont.bold : bool

Determines if the list item text should be bold.

listFont.family : string

The font family that will be used for the list item text.

listFont.pixelSize : int

The font size in pixels of the list item text of the list picker.

listFontColor : string

The color of the text for the list item of the list picker.

listItemHeight : int

The height in pixels for the list item.

model : model

The data model used for the list items.

It must be in this format: ListModel { ListElement { text: "Item 1" value: "1" }

ListElement { text: "Item 2" value: "2" }

scrollbarWidth : int

The width of the scroll bar that is visble when a user scrolls through the list.

spacing : int

The spacing from the left margin for the list item.

value : int

Sets the initial list item that is selected in the list.

List Field - Vertical Element

A text box with label in a vertical layout, which accepts list input when the input box has focus. More...


Detailed Description

The VerticalListField type provides an input box with a text label that can be styled using field spacings and font properties. When the input box has focus a list picker will slide out to allow a user to choose an item.

Here is a simple VerticalListField:

 import QtQuick 1.1
 import "components"

 VerticalListField {
     value: 1
     labelText: "Label"
     labelFontFamily: "DejaVu Sans"
     labelFontPixelSize: 15
     labelFontBold: false
     inputFontFamily: "DejaVu Sans"
     inputFontPixelSize: 15
     fieldSpacing: 8
     backgroundColor: "#424242"
     borderWidth: 2
     borderRadius: 4
     borderColor: "#ffffff"
     spacing: 10
     listItemHeight: 32
     scrollBarWidth: 10
     caption: "Set List"
     captionFontColor: "#ffffff"
     captionFont.family: "DejaVu Sans"
     captionFont.pixelSize: 20
     captionFont.bold: true
     listFontColor: "#000000"
     listFont.family: "DejaVu Sans"
     listFont.bold: true
     listFont.pixelSize: 18

     model: ListModel {
         ListElement {
             text: "Choice 1"
             value: 1

         ListElement {
             text: "Choice 2"
             value: 2

         ListElement {
             text: "Choice 3"
             value: 3

         ListElement {
             text: "Choice 4"
             value: 4

         ListElement {
             text: "Choice 5"
             value: 5

         ListElement {
             text: "Choice 6"
             value: 6

         ListElement {
             text: "Choice 7"
             value: 7

         ListElement {
             text: "Choice 8"
             value: 8

         ListElement {
             text: "Choice 9"
             value: 9

         ListElement {
             text: "Choice 10"
             value: 10

Property Documentation

backgroundColor : string

The background color of the list picker.

borderColor : string

The border color of the list picker.

borderRadius : int

The border radius of the list picker.

borderWidth : int

The border width of the list picker.

caption : string

The text that will be used for the list picker caption.

captionFont.bold : bool

Determines if the caption text of the list picker should be bold.

captionFont.family : string

The font family that will be used for the caption text of the list picker.

captionFont.pixelSize : int

The font size in pixels of the caption text of the list picker.

captionFontColor : string

The font color of the caption text of the list picker.

fieldSpacing : int

The space in pixels between the label and the input box.

inputColor : color

The color background for the input box.

inputFontBold : bool

Determines if the input font should be bold.

inputFontFamily : string

The font family that will be used for the input box.

inputFontItalic : bool

Determines if the input font should be italic.

inputFontPixelSize : int

The font pixel size that will be used for the input box.

inputFontStrikeout : bool

Determines if the input font should be strikeout.

inputFontUnderline : bool

Determines if the input font should be underlined.

keyBoardAnimationSpeed : int

Animation speed for the list picker to scroll up into position.

keyboardBackGroundImage : url

Source Image for the list picker area background.

labelColor : color

The text color for the label.

labelFontBold : bool

Determines if the label font should be bold.

labelFontFamily : string

The font family that will be used for the label.

labelFontItalic : bool

Determines if the label font should be italic.

labelFontPixelSize : int

The font pixel size that will be used for the label.

labelFontStrikeout : bool

Determines if the label font should be strikeout.

labelFontUnderline : bool

Determines if the label font should be underlined.

labelText : string

The text that will be displayed for the label.

listFont.bold : bool

Determines if the list item text should be bold.

listFont.family : string

The font family that will be used for the list item text.

listFont.pixelSize : int

The font size in pixels of the list item text of the list picker.

listFontColor : string

The color of the text for the list item of the list picker.

listItemHeight : int

The height in pixels for the list item.

model : model

The data model used for the list items.

It must be in this format: ListModel { ListElement { text: "Item 1" value: "1" }

ListElement { text: "Item 2" value: "2" }

scrollbarWidth : int

The width of the scroll bar that is visble when a user scrolls through the list.

spacing : int

The spacing from the left margin for the list item.

value : int

Sets the initial list item that is selected in the list.

Numeric Field - Horizontal Element

A text box with label arranged in a horizontal layout that accepts numeric keyboard input when the input box has focus. More...


Detailed Description

The NumericField type provides an input box with a text label that can be styled using field spacings and font properties. When the input box has focus a keyboard will slide out to allow a user to input numeric text.

Here is a simple NumericField:

 import QtQuick 1.1
 import "components"

 // Simple numeric field that allows an integer with a min of 0 and a max of 100
 NumericField {
     id: numeric_field1
     max: 100
     min: 0
     fieldSpacing: 4
     inputText: ""
     keyTextColor: "#ffffff"
     keyTextBold: false
     keyTextFontSize: 14
     inputColor: "#ffffff"
     labelColor: "#000000"
     inputFontPixelSize: 14
     keyboardAnimationSpeed: 100
     inputFontFamily: "DejaVu Sans"
     labelFontFamily: "DejaVu Sans"
     labelFontPixelSize: 14
     labelText: "Label"

     onValueChanged: {

 // A masked numeric field example for a telephone number
 // Note: The min and max properties have been removed so no check is made.
 NumericField {
     id: numeric_field2
     width: 180
     fieldSpacing: 4
     inputText: ""
     keyTextColor: "#ffffff"
     inputColor: "#ffffff"
     labelColor: "#000000"
     inputFontPixelSize: 14
     keyboardAnimationSpeed: 100
     inputFontFamily: "DejaVu Sans"
     labelFontFamily: "DejaVu Sans"
     labelFontPixelSize: 14
     labelText: "Label"
     maskedInput: "(999) 999-9999;_"

Property Documentation

fieldSpacing : string

The space in pixels between the label and the input box.

inputColor : color

The color of the input box.

inputFontBold : bool

Determines if the input font should be bold.

inputFontFamily : string

The font family that will be used for the input box.

inputFontItalic : bool

Determines if the input font should be italic.

inputFontPixelSize : int

The font pixel size that will be used for the input box. Use either inputFontPixelSize or inputFontPointSize.

inputFontPointSize : int

The font point size that will be used for the input box. Use either inputFontPixelSize or inputFontPointSize.

inputFontStrikeout : bool

Determines if the input font should be strikeout.

inputFontUnderline : bool

Determines if the input font should be underlined.

inputText : string

The text that will be displayed for the input box.

keyBoardAnimationSpeed : int

The animation speed for the keyboard to scroll up into position.

keyHeight : int

The height of the keyboard button.

keyTextBold : string

Determines if the key text should be bold.

keyTextColor : string

The color of the text that is on the keyboard button.

keyTextFontSize : int

The font size of the key text.

keyWidth : int

The width of the keyboard button.

keyboardBackGroundImage : url

The source image for the keyboard area background.

labelColor : color

The text color for the label.

labelFontBold : bool

Determines if the label font should be bold.

labelFontFamily : string

The font family that will be used for the label.

labelFontItalic : bool

Determines if the label font should be italic.

labelFontPixelSize : int

The font pixel size that will be used for the label. Use either labelFontPixelSize or labelFontPointSize.

labelFontPointSize : int

The font point size that will be used for the label. Use either labelFontPixelSize or labelFontPointSize.

labelFontStrikeout : bool

Determines if the label font should be strikeout.

labelFontUnderline : bool

Determines if the label font should be underlined.

labelText : string

The text that will be displayed for the label.

maskedInput : string

Allows you to set an input mask on the numeric field, restricting the allowable numeric inputs.

Charcter Meaning

# ASCII digit or plus/minus sign permitted but not required. 9 ASCII digit required. 0-9.


Mask Notes

"999-99-9999;_" A US social security number number requiring 9 digits. "(999) -999-9999;_" A phone number requiring 10 digits. "#9.99;_" A floating point number that can be negative or positive. "9999;_" An integer that cannot exceed more than 4 digits.

max : int

The maximum value for the numeric field.

min : int

The minimum value for the numeric field.

normalKeyIcon : url

The source image for the keyboard button up state.

pressedKeyIcon : url

The source image for the keyboard button down state.

Numeric Field - Vertical Element

A text box with label in a vertical layout, which accepts numeric keyboard input when the input box has focus. More...


Detailed Description

The VerticalNumericField type provides an input box with a text label that can be styled using field spacings and font properties. When the input box has focus a keyboard will slide out to allow a user to input numeric text.

Here is a simple VerticalNumericField:

 import QtQuick 1.1
 import "components"

 // Simple numeric field that allows an integer with a min of 0 and a max of 100
 VerticalNumericField {
     id: numeric_field1
     max: 100
     min: 0
     fieldSpacing: 4
     inputText: ""
     keyTextColor: "#ffffff"
     keyTextBold: false
     keyTextFontSize: 14
     inputColor: "#ffffff"
     labelColor: "#000000"
     inputFontPixelSize: 14
     keyboardAnimationSpeed: 100
     inputFontFamily: "DejaVu Sans"
     labelFontFamily: "DejaVu Sans"
     labelFontPixelSize: 14
     labelText: "Label"

     onValueChanged: {

 // A masked numeric field example for a telephone number
 // Note: The min and max properties have been removed so no check is made.
 VerticalNumericField {
     id: numeric_field2
     width: 180
     fieldSpacing: 4
     inputText: ""
     keyTextColor: "#ffffff"
     inputColor: "#ffffff"
     labelColor: "#000000"
     inputFontPixelSize: 14
     keyboardAnimationSpeed: 100
     inputFontFamily: "DejaVu Sans"
     labelFontFamily: "DejaVu Sans"
     labelFontPixelSize: 14
     labelText: "Label"
     maskedInput: "(999) 999-9999;_"

Property Documentation

fieldSpacing : string

The space in pixels between the label and the input box.

inputColor : color

The color of the input box.

inputFontBold : bool

Determines if the input font should be bold.

inputFontFamily : string

The font family that will be used for the input box.

inputFontItalic : bool

Determines if the input font should be italic.

inputFontPixelSize : int

The font pixel size that will be used for the input box. Use either inputFontPixelSize or inputFontPointSize.

inputFontPointSize : int

The font point size that will be used for the input box. Use either inputFontPixelSize or inputFontPointSize.

inputFontStrikeout : bool

Determines if the input font should be strikeout.

inputFontUnderline : bool

Determines if the input font should be underlined.

inputText : string

The text that will be displayed for the input box.

keyBoardAnimationSpeed : int

The animation speed for the keyboard to scroll up into position.

keyHeight : int

The height of the keyboard button.

keyTextBold : string

Determines if the key text should be bold.

keyTextColor : string

The color of the text that is on the keyboard button.

keyTextFontSize : int

The font size of the key text.

keyWidth : int

The width of the keyboard button.

keyboardBackGroundImage : url

The source image for the keyboard area background.

labelColor : color

The text color for the label.

labelFontBold : bool

Determines if the label font should be bold.

labelFontFamily : string

The font family that will be used for the label.

labelFontItalic : bool

Determines if the label font should be italic.

labelFontPixelSize : int

The font pixel size that will be used for the label. Use either labelFontPixelSize or labelFontPointSize.

labelFontPointSize : int

The font point size that will be used for the label. Use either labelFontPixelSize or labelFontPointSize.

labelFontStrikeout : bool

Determines if the label font should be strikeout.

labelFontUnderline : bool

Determines if the label font should be underlined.

labelText : string

The text that will be displayed for the label.

maskedInput : string

Allows you to set an input mask on the numeric field, restricting the allowable numeric inputs.

Charcter Meaning

# ASCII digit or minus sign permitted but not required. 9 ASCII digit required. 0-9.


Mask Notes

"999-99-9999;_" A US social security number number requiring 9 digits. "(999) -999-9999;_" A phone number requiring 10 digits. "#9.99;_" A floating point number that can be negative or positive. "9999;_" An integer that cannot exceed more than 4 digits.

max : int

The maximum value for the numeric field.

min : int

The minimum value for the numeric field.

normalKeyIcon : url

The source image for the keyboard button up state.

pressedKeyIcon : url

The source image for the keyboard button down state.

Numeric Selector Element

A two push button component with a text label. Allows a user to push 2 buttons to select a number. More...


Detailed Description

The NumericSelector type can be styled using images and text. It is composed of two ImageButtons.

Here is a simple NumericSelector:

 import QtQuick 1.1
 import "components"

 NumericSelector {
     id: numeric_selector1
     width: 110
     height: 30
     rightImageDown: "images/right_arrow_spin_off.png"
     autoRepeatInterval: 100
     textFontFamily: "DejaVu Sans"
     increment: 1
     displayText: "<sup>o</sup>"
     rightImageUp: "images/right_arrow_spin.png"
     min: 0
     autoRepeat: true
     textColor: "#000000"
     max: 100
     leftImageDown: "images/left_arrow_spin_off.png"
     precision: 0
     source: "images/bg_numericedit.png"
     leftImageUp: "images/left_arrow_spin.png"
     textFontPixelSize: 14

     onValueChanged: console.debug(value);

Property Documentation

autoRepeat : bool

If autoRepeat is enabled, then the buttonPress(), buttonRelease(), and buttonClick() signals are emitted at regular intervals when the button is down. autoRepeat is off by default. The initial delay and the repetition interval are defined in milliseconds by autoRepeatInterval.

autoRepeatInterval : bool

The time in milliseconds of the button's autorepeat interval.

displayText : string

The text that will be shown to the user appended to the value.

height : int

The height of the component.

increment : real

The value is increased or decreased by the increment number on each button press.

leftImageDown : url

The source image for the left image button depress state.

leftImageUp : url

The source image for the left image button press state.

max : real

The maximum value that can be selected.

min : real

The minimum value that can be selected.

precision : int

The allowable decimal positions for the selected number.

rightImageDown : url

The source image for the right image button depress state.

rightImageUp : url

The source image for the right image button press state.

source : url

The source image for the component background.

textColor : string

The color of the text for the component.

textFontBold : bool

Determines if the text for the component should be bold.

textFontFamily : string

The font family of the text for the component.

textFontItalic : bool

Determines if the text for the component should be italic.

textFontPixelSize : int

The font pixel size of the text for the component.

textFontStrikeout : bool

Determines if the text for the component should be strikeout.

textFontUnderline : bool

Determines if the text for the component should be underlined.

value : real

The number that has been selected.

width : int

The width of the component.

Panel Read Out Element

An indicator that displays text within an image. More...


Detailed Description

The PanelReadOut type provides a visual text and image read out. The control is styled with an image and text.

 import QtQuick 1.1
 import "components"

 // Here is a simple panel readout an image and text:

 PanelReadOut {
     id: panel_read_out1
     width: 211
     height: 99
     text: "10000"
     font.pixelSize: 22
     textColor: "#50dd0e"
     imagePanel: "images/bezel.bmp"
     font.bold: false
     font.family: "DejaVu Sans"

     onTextChanged: {

Property Documentation

font : font

The font properties of the text.

imagePanel : url

The source image for the control.

text : string

The text to display for the control.

textColor : color

The color of the text.

width : int

The width of the control, usually the width of the images used.

Pie Chart Element

An indicator that displays data in a pie chart. More...


Detailed Description

The PieChart type provides a visual chart divided into segments, the arc of each segment shows a the proportional value of each piece of data.

 import QtQuick 1.1
 import "components"

 // Here is a simple pie chart:

 PieChart {
     id: pie_chart1
     width: 200
     height: 200
     segmentShowStroke: true
     segmentStrokeColor: "#ffffff"
     segmentStrokeWidth: 2
     showLegend: true
     legendFontColor: "#000"
     legendFontSize: 10
     legendFontFamily: "DejaVu Sans"
     legendFontStyle: "normal"

     data : [
                 text: "Apples",
                 value: 30,
                 text: "Oranges",
                 value : 50,
                 color : "#E0E4CC"
                 text: "Pears",
                 value : 25,
                 color : "#69D2E7"
                 text: "Grapes",
                 value : 100,
                 color : "#ff0000"

Property Documentation

data : variant

For a pie chart, you must pass in an array of objects with text, a value and a color property. The value attribute should be a number, we will total all of the numbers and calculate the relative proportion of each. The color attribute should be a string. Similar to CSS, for this string you can use HEX notation, RGB, RGBA or HSL. The text will be used for the legend labels.

height : int

The height of the pie chart.

legendFontColor : string

The legend label font color.

legendFontFamily : string

The font family declaration for the legend labels.

legendFontSize : int

The legend label font size in pixels.

legendFontStyle : string

The legend label font weight style. The correct values are "normal" and "bold".

segmentShowStroke : bool

Determines whether we should show a stroke on each segment.

segmentStrokeColor : string

The color of each segment stroke.

segmentStrokeWidth : int

The width of each segment stroke.

showLegend : bool

Determines whether we should show a legend.

width : int

The width of the pie chart.

RadioButton List - Horizontal Element

A radio button list in a horizontal layout, which can be styled by font and image sources. More...


Detailed Description

The HorizontalRadioButtonList type provides a one-select radio button group that is arranged in a horizontal layout.

Here is a simple HorizontalRadioButtonList:

 import QtQuick 1.1
 import "components"

 HorizontalRadioButtonList {
     id: radiobutton_list2
     textColor: "#000000"
     font.family: "DejaVu Sans"
     font.bold: false
     font.pixelSize: 16
     spacing: 4
     itemSpacing: 10
     model: ListModel {
         ListElement {
             item_value: "1"
             item_text: "radio 1"
             item_checked: true

         ListElement {
             item_value: "2"
             item_text: "radio 2"
             item_checked: false

     imageUnChecked: "images/radiobutton.png"
     imageChecked: "images/radiobutton_click.png"

     onValueChanged: {

Property Documentation

font : font

The font properties for the radio list item text.

imageChecked : string

The source image for the radio list item checked state.

imageUnChecked : string

The source image for the radio list item unchecked state.

itemSpacing : int

The spacing between each radio item in the list.

spacing : int

The spacing between the radio item image and the radio item text.

textColor : string

The text color for the radio list item text.

value : string

The value selected or set for the radio list.

RadioButton List - Vertical Element

A radio button list in a vertical layout, which can be styled by font and image sources. More...


Detailed Description

The VerticalRadioButtonList type provides a one-select radio button group that is arranged in a vertical layout.

Here is a simple VerticalRadioButtonList:

 import QtQuick 1.1
 import "components"

 VerticalRadioButtonList {
     id: radiobutton_list2
     textColor: "#000000"
     font.family: "Arial"
     font.bold: false
     font.pixelSize: 16
     spacing: 4
     itemSpacing: 10
     model: ListModel {
         ListElement {
             item_value: "1"
             item_text: "radio 1"
             item_checked: true

         ListElement {
             item_value: "2"
             item_text: "radio 2"
             item_checked: false

     imageUnChecked: "images/radiobutton.png"
     imageChecked: "images/radiobutton_click.png"

     onValueChanged: {

Property Documentation

font : font

The font properties for the radio list item text.

imageChecked : string

The source image for the radio list item checked state.

imageUnChecked : string

The source image for the radio list item unchecked state.

itemSpacing : int

The spacing between each radio item in the list.

model : model

The data model used for the check list box items.

It must be in this format: ListModel { ListElement { item_value: "1" item_text: "radio 1" item_checked: true }

ListElement { item_value: "2" item_text: "radio 2" item_checked: false } }

spacing : int

The spacing between the radio item image and the radio item text.

textColor : string

The text color for the radio list item text.

value : string

The value selected or set for the radio list.

ScatterChart Element

Scatter Chart is a type of mathematical diagram using Cartesian coordinates to display values for two variables for a set of data. More...


Detailed Description

The data is displayed as a collection of points, each having the value of one variable determining the position on the horizontal axis and the value of the other variable determining the position on the vertical axis.

 import QtQuick 1.1
 import "components"

 // Here is a simple scatterchart:
 ScatterChart {
     id: scatter
     width: 400
     height: 214
     scaleShowGridLines: true
     scaleShowLabels: true
     datasetStrokeWidth: 2
     bgColor: "#EEEEEE"
     scaleLineWidth: 1
     scaleBgColor: "#000000"
     scaleFontStyle: "normal"
     scaleLabel: "<%=value%>"
     scaleLineColor: "rgba(0,0,0,1.0)"
     scaleFontFamily: "DejaVu Sans"
     scaleFontColor: "#666"
     scaleGridLineColor: "rgba(50,205,50,0.8)"
     scaleFontSize: 12
     scaleGridLineWidth: 1
     minY: -10
     minX: 0
     maxY: 10
     line1PenColor: "#FFFFFF"
     maxX: 50
     drawLines: true
     drawPoints: true
     pointRadius: 2
     bezierCurve: true

Property Documentation

bezierCurve : bool

Determines if draw smooth lines between plot points. If this property is set to false straight lines will be drawn.

bgColor : string

The background color for the chart.

datasetStrokeWidth : int

The pixel width of data lines.

drawLines : bool

Determines if lines are drawn between plot points.

drawPoints : bool

Determines if points are drawn at data point.

height : int

The height of the chart.

line1PenColor : string

The pen color for line 1.

line2PenColor : string

The pen color for line 2.

line3PenColor : string

The pen color for line 3.

line4PenColor : string

The pen color for line 4.

maxX : int

The maximum horizontal value for the chart.

maxY : int

The maximum vertical value for the chart.

minX : int

The minimum horizontal value for the chart.

minY : int

The minimum vertical value for the chart.

pointRadius : int

The point radius in pixels to be drawn if drawPoints is set to true.

scaleBgColor : string

The background color of the scale.

scaleFontColor : string

The font color for the scale label.

scaleFontFamily : string

The font family declaration for the scale label.

scaleFontSize : int

The font pixel size for the scale label.

scaleFontStyle : string

The font style for the scale label. Values can be "bold" or "normal".

scaleGridLineColor : string

The color of the grid lines.

scaleGridLineWidth : int

The width of the grid lines.

scaleLabel : string

Use if you want to add symbols or text to the labels of the scale. Example: "<%=value%> C". If you wanted to add the Celcius label to the Y values of the chart.

scaleLineColor : string

The color of the scale line - x and y axis lines.

scaleLineWidth : int

The pixel width of the scale line - x and y axis lines.

scaleOverride : bool

Set to true if you do not want the scale to be calculated.

scaleShowGridLines : bool

Determines whether grid lines are shown across the chart.

scaleShowLabels : bool

Determines whether to show labels on the scale.

scaleStartValue : int

Required if scaleOverride is set to true. The scale staring value.

scaleStepWidth : int

Required if scaleOverride is set to true. The value jump in the hard coded scale.

scaleSteps : int

Required if scaleOverride is set to true. The number of steps in the hard coded scale.

width : int

The width of the chart.

ScopeChart Element

An indicator that displays one or more plots of evenly sampled measurements in a left to right direction. More...


Detailed Description

The scope chart is a special kind of XY plot meant to convey recent history of a waveform. The chart can handle up to 4 plots simultaneously. This chart has a retracing display similar to an oscilloscope. As it receives each new value, it plots the value to the right of the last value. The plot is not erased when the plot hits the right border. Instead, it erases a certain distance in front of the plot.

 import QtQuick 1.1
 import "components"

 // Here is a simple scopechart:

 ScopeChart {
     id: scope_chart1
     width: 400
     height: 200
     scaleShowGridLines: true
     datasetStrokeWidth: 2
     bgColor: "#EEEEEE"
     scaleLineWidth: 1
     scaleBgColor: "#0000000"
     scaleFontStyle: "normal"
     scaleLabel: "<%=value%>"
     maxTime: 100
     scaleLineColor: "rgba(0,0,0,1.0)"
     maxYValue: 10
     scaleFontFamily: "DejaVu Sans"
     scaleShowLabels: true
     xPixels: 20
     scaleFontColor: "#666"
     minTime: 0
     minYValue: -10
     scaleGridLineColor: "rgba(50,205,50,0.5)"
     scaleFontSize: 12
     scaleGridLineWidth: 1
     line1PenColor: "#ffffff"
     bezierCurve: true

Property Documentation

bezierCurve : bool

Determines if draw smooth lines between plot points. If this property is set to false straight lines will be drawn.

bgColor : string

The background color for the chart.

datasetStrokeWidth : int

The pixel width of data lines.

height : int

The height of the chart.

line1PenColor : string

The pen color for line 1.

line2PenColor : string

The pen color for line 2.

line3PenColor : string

The pen color for line 3.

line4PenColor : string

The pen color for line 4.

maxTime : int

The time interval for the chart.

maxYValue : int

The maximum Y value for the chart that will be shown on the scale.

minTime : int

The start time for the chart.

minYValue : int

The minimum Y value for the chart that will be shown on the scale.

scaleBgColor : string

The background color of the scale.

scaleFontColor : string

The font color for the scale label.

scaleFontFamily : string

The font family declaration for the scale label.

scaleFontSize : int

The font pixel size for the scale label.

scaleFontStyle : string

The font style for the scale label. Values can be "bold" or "normal".

scaleGridLineColor : string

The color of the grid lines.

scaleGridLineWidth : int

The width of the grid lines.

scaleLabel : string

Use if you want to add symbols or text to the labels of the scale. Example: "<%=value%> C". If you wanted to add the Celcius label to the Y values of the chart.

scaleLineColor : string

The color of the scale line - x and y axis lines.

scaleLineWidth : int

The pixel width of the scale line - x and y axis lines.

scaleOverride : bool

Set to true if you do not want the scale to be calculated.

scaleShowGridLines : bool

Determines whether grid lines are shown across the chart.

scaleShowLabels : bool

Determines whether to show labels on the scale.

scaleStartValue : int

Required if scaleOverride is set to true. The scale staring value.

scaleStepWidth : int

Required if scaleOverride is set to true. The value jump in the hard coded scale.

scaleSteps : int

Required if scaleOverride is set to true. The number of steps in the hard coded scale.

width : int

The width of the chart.

xPixels : int

The number of pixels to erase to the right of the last data point plotted.

Scrolling TextBox Element

A text box that allows text to dynamicaly scroll. More...


Detailed Description

The ScrolingTextlBox type provides an text box that can be styled using colors and font properties. The text scrolls verticaly and will grow scroll bars when it's contents are too large to fit in the box.

Here is a simple ScrollingTextBox:

 import QtQuick 1.1
 import "components"

 ScrollingTextBox {
     id: sb
     width: 440
     height: 218
     initialText: ""
     maxChars: 2048
     borderWidth: 2
     borderColor: "#9a9a9a"
     textEditBackGroundColor: "#000000"
     gradientLightColor: "#9a9a9a"
     gradientDarkColor: "#4e4e4e"
     textMargins: 4
     textEditColor: "#52D017"
     textEditFontFamily: "DejaVu Sans"
     textEditFontBold: false
     textEditFontSize: 12
     headerText: "Terminal"
     headerTextColor: "#ffffff"
     headerHeight: 21
     headerTextFontFamily: "DejaVu Sans"
     headerTextFontBold: true
     headerTextFontSize: 15
     scrollBarBackGroundColor: "gray"
     scrollBarBorderColor: "#000000"
     scrollBarWidth: 12
     scrollBarColor: "#545454"
     scrollBarHighLight: "#5454ac"
     scrollBarUpDownArrowColor: "#000000"
     scrollBarUpDownArrowHighLight: "blue"
     showScrollBarUpDownArrow: true

Property Documentation

borderColor : string

The color of the border that surrounds the text box.

borderWidth : int

The border width of the border that surrounds the text box.

gradientDarkColor : string

The dark color of the header area backgrond.

gradientLightColor : string

The light color of the header area backgrond.

headerFontBold : bool

Determines if the header text should be bold.

headerFontSize : int

The font pixel size that will be used for the header text.

headerHeight : int

The the height in pixels of the header area.

headerText : string

The text that will be used for the input box.

headerTextColor : string

The color of the header text.

height : int

Sets the height of the control.

initialText : string

Sets the initial text of the text box.

maxChars : int

The maximum characters that will be shown to the user.

scrollBarBackGroundColor : string

The background color of the scroll bar.

scrollBarBorderColor : string

The border color of the scroll bar.

scrollBarColor : string

The color of the scroll bar.

scrollBarHighLight : string

The color of the scroll bar when it is in use.

scrollBarUpDownArrowColor : string

The color of the up and down arrows of the scroll bar.

scrollBarUpDownArrowHighLight : string

The color of the up and down arrows of the scroll bar when the scroll bar is in use.

scrollBarWidth : int

The width of the scroll bar.

showScrollBarUpDownArrow : string

Determines if the up and down arrows of the scroll bar are visible.

textEditBackgroundColor : string

The background color of the text box.

textEditFontBold : bool

Determines if the text font should be bold.

textEditFontFamily : string

The font family that will be used for the text.

textEditFontSize : int

The font pixel size that will be used for the text.

textMargins : int

Sets the margins for the text box.

width : int

Sets the width or the text box.

Slider - Horizontal Element

A horizontal slider. More...


Detailed Description

The HorizontalSlider type provides a slider component that can be styled with an image handle and an image track. The component is used for selecting a value in a given range.

Here is a simple HorizontalSlider:

 import QtQuick 1.1
 import "components"

 HorizontalSlider {
     id: slider___horizontal1
     width: 184
     height: 48
     showHint: true
     minimum: 0
     maximum: 10
     value: 0
     allowDrag: true
     xMin: 0
     handleY: 2
     imageTrack: "images/slider_htrack.png"
     imageHandle: "images/slider_handle.png"
     imageOverlay: ""
     hintWidth: 40
     hintHeight: 40
     hintRadius: 9
     hintBorderColor: "#000000"
     hintBorderWidth: 2
     hintBackgroundColor: "#ffffff"
     hintFontFamily: "DejaVu Sans"
     hintFontColor: "#000000"
     hintFontPixelSize: 16

     onValueChanged: {

Property Documentation

allowDrag : bool

Determines if the slider handle can be dragged by mouse or by touch.

handleY : int

The y position of the handle in relation to the track image.

height : int

The height of the horizontal slider, usually the height of the track image..

hintBackgroundColor : string

The background color of the hint box.

hintBorderColor : string

The border color of the hint box.

hintBorderWidth : string

The border width of the hint box.

hintFontColor : string

The color to use for text of the hint box.

hintFontFamily : string

The font family to use for the text of the hint box.

hintFontPixelSize : string

The font pixel size to use for text of the hint box.

hintHeight : int

The height of the hint box.

hintRadius : int

The radius of the hint box. Determines the roundness of the hint box.

hintWidth : int

The width of the hint box.

imageHandle : url

The source image for the slider handle.

imageOverlay : url

The source image for the overlay. This can be left blank if no overlay is needed.

imageTrack : url

The source image for the slider track.

maximum : real

The maximum value for the component.

minimum : real

The minimum value for the component.

showHint : bool

Detrmines if the hint box is shown to inform the user of the current value.

value : real

The current value for the component.

width : int

The width of the horizontal slider, usually the width of the track image.

xMax : int

The maximum x position the handle can go to the right.

xMin : int

The minimum x position the handle can go to the left.

Slider - Vertical Element

A vertical slider. More...


Detailed Description

The VerticalSlider type provides a slider component that can be styled with an image handle and an image track. The component is used for selecting a value in a given range.

Here is a simple VerticalSlider:

 import QtQuick 1.1
 import "components"

 VerticalSlider {
     id: slider___vertical1
     width: 48
     height: 184
     hintBorderColor: "#000000"
     showHint: true
     maximum: 10
     hintBorderWidth: 2
     hintFontFamily: "Arial"
     hintBackgroundColor: "#ffffff"
     hintFontColor: "#000000"
     hintFontPixelSize: 16
     imageTrack: "images/slider_track.bmp"
     minimum: 0
     value: 0
     handleX: 0
     imageOverlay: ""
     hintRadius: 9
     yMin: 2
     hintWidth: 40
     imageHandle: "images/slider_handle.png"
     allowDrag: true
     hintHeight: 40

     onValueChanged: console.debug(value);

Property Documentation

allowDrag : bool

Determines if the slider handle can be dragged by mouse or by touch.

handleX : int

The x position of the handle in relation to the track image.

height : int

The height of the vertical slider, usually the height of the track image..

hintBackgroundColor : string

The background color of the hint box.

hintBorderColor : string

The border color of the hint box.

hintBorderWidth : string

The border width of the hint box.

hintFontColor : string

The color to use for text of the hint box.

hintFontFamily : string

The font family to use for the text of the hint box.

hintFontPixelSize : string

The pixel size to use for text of the hint box.

hintHeight : int

The height of the hint box.

hintRadius : int

The radius of the hint box. Determines the roundness of the hint box.

hintWidth : int

The width of the hint box.

imageHandle : url

The source image for the slider handle.

imageOverlay : url

The source image for the overlay. This can be left blank in no overlay is needed.

imageTrack : url

The source image for the slider track.

maximum : real

The maximum value for the component.

minimum : real

The minimum value for the component.

showHint : bool

Determines if the hint box is shown to inform the user of the current value.

value : real

The current value for the component.

width : int

The width of the vertical slider, usually the width of the track image.

yMax : int

The maximum y position the handle can go to the top of the track image.

yMin : int

The minimum y position the handle can go to the bottom of the track image.

Speedometer Element

An indicator that has a rotating needle on a marked background. More...


Detailed Description

The Spedometer type provides a visual meter that is styled using images.

Here is a simple Speedometer:

 import QtQuick 1.1
 import "components"

 Speedometer {
     id: speedometer1
     width: 210
     height: 210
     needleImage: "images/needle.png"
     overlayImageHeight: 105
     min: 0
     needleImageHeight: 63
     overlayImage: "images/overlay.png"
     value: 20
     needleImageWidth: 8
     max: 120
     needleRotationY: 65
     needleRotationX: 5
     maxAngle: 133
     overlayY: 18
     overlayImageWidth: 148
     overlayX: 21
     needleY: 33
     needleX: 98
     backgroundImage: "images/meterbackground.png"

     onValueChanged: console.debug(value);

Property Documentation

backgroundImage : url

The source image for the speedometer's background.

height : int

The height of the speedometer, usually the height of the background image.

max : int

The maximum value for the meter.

maxAngle : int

The maximum angle the needle can rotate.

min : int

The minimum value for the meter.

minAngle : int

The minimum angle the needle can rotate.

needleImage : url

The source image for the speedometer's needle image.

needleImageHeight : int

The height of the needle image.

needleImageWidth : int

The width of the needle image.

needleRotationX : int

The x position of the needle image that the needle will rotate through.

needleRotationY : int

The y position of the needle image that the needle will rotate through.

needleX : int

The x position of the needle image.

needleY : int

The y position of the needle image.

overlayImage : url

The source image for the speedometer's overlay image.

overlayImageHeight : int

The height of the overlay image.

overlayImageWidth : int

The width of the overlay image.

overlayX : int

The x position of the overlay image.

overlayY : int

The y position of the overlay image.

value : int

The current value for the meter.

width : int

The width of the speedometer, usually the width of the background image.

Spinner Element

A spinner control to select an item through a finger swipe or mouse swipe. More...


Detailed Description

The Spinner type can be styled using images and font properties.

Here is a simple Spinner:

 import QtQuick 1.1
 import "components"

 Spinner {
     id: spinner2
     width: 90
     height: 201
     color: "#ffffff"
     radius: 2
     initialIndex: 0
     textColor: "#000000"
     font.pixelSize: 24
     border.color: "#000000"
     border.width: 3
     backGroundImage: "images/spinner-bg.png"
     highlightImage: "images/spinner-select.png"
     font.bold: false
     font.family: "DejaVu Sans"
     itemHeight: 31

     model: ListModel {
         ListElement {
             text: "1"
             value: 1

         ListElement {
             text: "2"
             value: 2

         ListElement {
             text: "3"
             value: 3

         ListElement {
             text: "4"
             value: 4

         ListElement {
             text: "5"
             value: 5

         ListElement {
             text: "6"
             value: 6

         ListElement {
             text: "7"
             value: 7

         ListElement {
             text: "8"
             value: 8

         ListElement {
             text: "9"
             value: 9

         ListElement {
             text: "10"
             value: 10

     onValueChanged: console.debug(value);

Property Documentation

backGroundImage : url

The source image for the spinner's background.

border.color : string

The color used to draw the border of the spinner.

border.width : int

The width used to draw the border of the spinner.

font : font

The font properties of the text of the items in the list.

height : int

The height of the spinner.

highlightImage : url

The source image to highlight the selected item.

intialIndex : int

The intial item to be selected in the control.

itemHeight : int

The height of the individual items in the control.

model : model

The model used to assign properties to the individual spinner items. The "text" property will be displayed to the user. The "value" property can be text or a number.

The model must be in this format:

model: ListModel { ListElement { text: "1" value: 1 } ListElement { text: "2" value: 2 } ListElement { text: "3" value: 3 } ListElement { text: "4" value: 4 } ListElement { text: "5" value: 5 } }

An other example model:

model: ListModel { ListElement { text: "A" value:"A" } ListElement { text: "B" value: "B" } ListElement { text: "C" value: "C" } ListElement { text: "4" value: "C" } ListElement { text: "D" value: "D" } }

radius : int

The corner radius used to draw a rounded rectangle border.

textColor : string

The color of the text of the items in the list.

width : int

The width of the spinner.

Strip Chart Element

An indicator that displays one or more plots of evenly sampled measurements in a right to left direction. More...


Detailed Description

The strip chart is a special kind of XY plot meant to convey recent history of a waveform, such as voltage over time by dynamic updates with new data. The chart can handle up to 4 plots simultaneously. This chart has a scrolling display that is similar to a paper tape strip chart recorder. This chart first plots values from left to right. From here, it continues to plot new points at the rightmost point and shifts old values to the left.

  import QtQuick 1.1
  import "components"

  // Here is a simple stripchart:

 StripChart {
     id: strip_chart1
     width: 400
     height: 200
     scaleShowGridLines: true
     datasetStrokeWidth: 2
     bgColor: "#EEEEEE"
     scaleLineWidth: 1
     scaleBgColor: "#0000000"
     scaleFontStyle: "normal"
     scaleLabel: "<%=value%>"
     maxTime: 100
     scaleLineColor: "rgba(0,0,0,1.0)"
     maxYValue: 10
     scaleFontFamily: "DejaVu Sans"
     scaleShowLabels: true
     scaleFontColor: "#666"
     minTime: 0
     minYValue: -10
     scaleGridLineColor: "rgba(50,205,50,0.5)"
     scaleFontSize: 12
     scaleGridLineWidth: 1
     line1PenColor: "#ffffff"

Property Documentation

bgColor : string

The background color for the chart.

datasetStrokeWidth : int

The pixel width of data lines.

height : int

The height of the chart.

line1PenColor : string

The pen color for line 1.

line2PenColor : string

The pen color for line 2.

line3PenColor : string

The pen color for line 3.

line4PenColor : string

The pen color for line 4.

maxTime : int

The time interval for the chart.

maxYValue : int

The maximum Y value for the chart that will be shown on the scale.

minTime : int

The start time for the chart.

minYValue : int

The minimum Y value for the chart that will be shown on the scale.

scaleBgColor : string

The background color of the scale.

scaleFontColor : string

The font color for the scale label.

scaleFontFamily : string

The font family declaration for the scale label.

scaleFontSize : int

The font pixel size for the scale label.

scaleFontStyle : string

The font style for the scale label. Values can be "bold" or "normal".

scaleGridLineColor : string

The color of the grid lines.

scaleGridLineWidth : int

The width of the grid lines.

scaleLabel : string

Use if you want to add symbols or text to the labels of the scale. Example: "<%=value%> C". If you wanted to add the Celcius label to the Y values of the chart.

scaleLineColor : string

The color of the scale line - x and y axis lines.

scaleLineWidth : int

The pixel width of the scale line - x and y axis lines.

scaleOverride : bool

Set to true if you do not want the scale to be calculated.

scaleShowGridLines : bool

Determines whether grid lines are shown across the chart.

scaleShowLabels : bool

Determines whether to show labels on the scale.

scaleStartValue : int

Required if scaleOverride is set to true. The scale staring value.

scaleStepWidth : int

Required if scaleOverride is set to true. The value jump in the hard coded scale.

scaleSteps : int

Required if scaleOverride is set to true. The number of steps in the hard coded scale.

width : int

The width of the chart.

Switch Element

A switch button with a text label. More...


Detailed Description

The Switch type can be styled using images and text, and has an on and off state.

Here is a simple Switch:

 import QtQuick 1.1
 import "components"

 Switch {
     id: switch1
     width: 60
     height: 40
     on: false
     textOff: "Off"
     textOn: "On"
     textOnBold: false
     textOnFontFamily: "DejaVu Sans"
     textOffFontFamily: "DejaVu Sans"
     textOnFontSize: 14
     textOffFontSize: 14
     imageOn: "images/internal_button_up.bmp"
     imageOff: "images/internal_button_dn.bmp"
     textOnColor: "#000000"
     textOffColor: "#000000"
     textOffBold: false

     onButtonClick: console.debug(on);
     onButtonPress: console.debug(on);
     onButtonRelease: console.debug(on);

Property Documentation

height : int

The height of the switch button.

imageOff : url

The source image for the switch off state.

imageOn : url

The source image for the switch on state.

on : bool

A boolean property to determine the state of the switch.

textOff : string

The text for the switch off state.

textOffBold : bool

Determines if the text for the switch off state should be bold.

textOffColor : string

The color of the text for the switch off state.

textOffFontFamily : string

The font family of the text for the switch off state.

textOffFontSize : int

The font pixel size of the text for the switch off state.

textOn : string

The text for the switch on state.

textOnBold : bool

Determines if the text for the switch on state should be bold.

textOnColor : string

The color of the text for the switch on state.

textOnFontFamily : string

The font family of the text for the switch on state.

textOnFontSize : int

The font pixel size of the text for the switch on state.

value : string

A value that can be assigned to the on state.

width : int

The width of the switch button.

Switch Group - Horizontal Element

A group of switch buttons in a horizontal layout. More...


Detailed Description

The HorizontalSwitchGroup type provides a group of image buttons with a text label that can be styled using images and text. Each button has an on and off state and a value that can be assigned to the HorizontalSwitchGroup type.

Here is a simple SwitchGroup:

 import QtQuick 1.1
 import "components"

 HorizontalSwitchGroup {
     id: switch_group2
     textOnColor: "#000000"
     textOffColor: "#000000"
     font.family: "DejaVu Sans"
     font.pixelSize: 16
     font.bold: false
     value: "0"
     spacing: 4

     model: ListModel {
         ListElement {
             text_on: "On 1"
             image_off: "../images/internal_button_up.bmp"
             val: "1"
             text_off: "Off 1"
             image_on: "../images/internal_button_dn.bmp"

         ListElement {
             text_on: "On 2"
             image_off: "../images/internal_button_up.bmp"
             val: "2"
             text_off: "Off 2"
             image_on: "../images/internal_button_dn.bmp"

     onValueChanged: {

Property Documentation

font : font

The font characteristics of the text for the switch buttons.

spacing : int

The spacing in pixels between each switch button item.

textOffColor : string

The color of the text for the switch button's off state.

textOnColor : string

The color of the text for the switch button's on state.

value : string

A value that can be assigned when a switch within the group is in the on state.

Switch Group - Vertical Element

A group of switch buttons in a vertical layout. More...


Detailed Description

The VerticalSwitchGroup type provides a group of image buttons with a text label that can be styled using images and text. Each button has an on and off state and a value that can be assigned to the VerticalSwitchGroup type.

Here is a simple VerticalSwitchGroup:

 import QtQuick 1.1
 import "components"

 VerticalSwitchGroup {
     id: switch_group
     textOnColor: "#000000"
     textOffColor: "#000000"
     font.family: "DejaVu Sans"
     font.pixelSize: 16
     font.bold: false
     value: "0"
     spacing: 4

     model: ListModel {
         ListElement {
             text_on: "On 1"
             image_off: "../images/internal_button_up.bmp"
             val: "1"
             text_off: "Off 1"
             image_on: "../images/internal_button_dn.bmp"

         ListElement {
             text_on: "On 2"
             image_off: "../images/internal_button_up.bmp"
             val: "2"
             text_off: "Off 2"
             image_on: "../images/internal_button_dn.bmp"

     onValueChanged: {

Property Documentation

font : font

The font characteristics of the text for the switch buttons.

model : model

The model used to assign properties to the individual switch buttons.

The model must be in this format:

model: ListModel { ListElement { text_on: "On 1" image_off: "../images/internal_button_up.bmp" val: "1" text_off: "Off 1" image_on: "../images/internal_button_dn.bmp" }

ListElement { text_on: "On 2" image_off: "../images/internal_button_up.bmp" val: "2" text_off: "Off 2" image_on: "../images/internal_button_dn.bmp" } }

spacing : int

The spacing in pixels between each switch button item.

textOffColor : string

The color of the text for the switch button's off state.

textOnColor : string

The color of the text for the switch button's on state.

value : string

A value that can be assigned when a switch within the group is in the on state.

Time Field - Horizontal Element

A text box with label in a horizontal layout, which accepts time input when the input box has focus. More...


Detailed Description

The TimeField type provides an input box with a text label that can be styled using field spacings and font properties. When the input box has focus a time picker will slide out to allow a user to input time.

Here is a simple TimeField:

 import QtQuick 1.1
 import "components"

 TimeField {
     width: 160
     height: 36
     hours: 12
     minutes: 0
     seconds: 0
     period: "PM"
     showPeriod: true
     showSeconds: true
     labelText: "Time"
     labelColor: "#000000"
     labelFontBold: false
     labelFontFamily: "DejaVu Sans"
     labelFontPixelSize: 15
     inputFontFamily: "DejaVu Sans"
     inputFontPixelSize: 15
     inputColor: "#ffffff"
     fieldSpacing: 10
     borderColor: "#ffffff"
     timeFontColor: "#000000"
     timeFont.pixelSize: 18
     timeFont.bold: true
     timeFont.family: "DejaVu Sans"
     caption: "System Time"
     captionFontColor: "#ffffff"
     captionFont.family: "DejaVu Sans"
     captionFont.pixelSize: 20
     captionFont.bold: true
     borderWidth: 2
     borderRadius: 4
     spacing: 10
     backgroundColor: "#424242"
     buttonBackgroundColor: "#bbb7bb"
     buttonFontColor: "#000000"
     buttonFont.pixelSize: 15
     buttonFont.bold: false
     buttonFont.family: "DejaVu Sans"

Property Documentation

backgroundColor : string

The background color of the time picker.

borderColor : string

The border color of the time picker.

borderRadius : int

The border radius of the time picker.

borderWidth : int

The border width of the time picker.

buttonBackgroundColor : string

The background color of the button area of time picker.

buttonFont.bold : bool

Determines if the button text of the time picker should be bold.

buttonFont.family : string

The font family that will be used for the button text of the time picker.

buttonFont.pixelSize : int

The font size in pixels of the button text of the time picker.

buttonFontColor : string

The font color of the button text of the time picker.

caption : string

The text that will be used for the time picker caption.

captionFont.bold : bool

Determines if the caption text of the time picker should be bold.

captionFont.family : string

The font family that will be used for the caption text of the time picker.

captionFont.pixelSize : int

The font size in pixels of the caption text of the time picker.

captionFontColor : string

The font color of the caption text of the time picker.

fieldSpacing : int

The space in pixels between the label and the input box.

hours : int

Sets the initial hour.

inputColor : color

The color background for the input box.

inputFontBold : bool

Determines if the input font should be bold.

inputFontFamily : string

The font family that will be used for the input box.

inputFontItalic : bool

Determines if the input font should be italic.

inputFontPixelSize : int

The font pixel size that will be used for the input box.

inputFontStrikeout : bool

Determines if the input font should be strikeout.

inputFontUnderline : bool

Determines if the input font should be underlined.

keyBoardAnimationSpeed : int

Animation speed for the time picker to scroll up into position.

keyboardBackGroundImage : url

Source Image for the time picker area background.

labelColor : color

The text color for the label.

labelFontBold : bool

Determines if the label font should be bold.

labelFontFamily : string

The font family that will be used for the label.

labelFontItalic : bool

Determines if the label font should be italic.

labelFontPixelSize : int

The font pixel size that will be used for the label.

labelFontStrikeout : bool

Determines if the label font should be strikeout.

labelFontUnderline : bool

Determines if the label font should be underlined.

labelText : string

The text that will be displayed for the label.

minutes : int

Sets the initial minute.

period : int

Sets the period "AM" or "PM".

seconds : int

Sets the initial second.

showPeriod : bool

Determines if the period is shown on the time picker.

showSeconds : bool

Determines if the seconds is shown on the time picker.

spacing : int

The spacing width between the time controls of the time picker.

timeFont.bold : bool

Determines if the time field text should be bold.

timeFont.family : string

The font family that will be used for the time field text.

timeFont.pixelSize : int

The font size in pixels of the time field text of the time picker.

timeFontColor : string

The color of the text for the time fields of the time picker.

Time Field - Vertical Element

A text box with label in a vertical layout, which accepts time input when the input box has focus. More...


Detailed Description

The VerticalTimeField type provides an input box with a text label that can be styled using field spacings and font properties. When the input box has focus a time picker will slide out to allow a user to input time.

Here is a simple VerticalTimeField:

 import QtQuick 1.1
 import "components"

 VerticalTimeField {
     hours: 12
     minutes: 0
     seconds: 0
     period: "PM"
     showPeriod: true
     showSeconds: true
     labelText: "Time"
     labelColor: "#000000"
     labelFontBold: false
     labelFontFamily: "DejaVu Sans"
     labelFontPixelSize: 15
     inputFontFamily: "DejaVu Sans"
     inputFontPixelSize: 15
     inputColor: "#ffffff"
     fieldSpacing: 10
     borderColor: "#ffffff"
     timeFontColor: "#000000"
     timeFont.pixelSize: 18
     timeFont.bold: true
     timeFont.family: "DejaVu Sans"
     caption: "System Time"
     captionFontColor: "#ffffff"
     captionFont.family: "DejaVu Sans"
     captionFont.pixelSize: 20
     captionFont.bold: true
     borderWidth: 2
     borderRadius: 4
     spacing: 10
     backgroundColor: "#424242"
     buttonBackgroundColor: "#bbb7bb"
     buttonFontColor: "#000000"
     buttonFont.pixelSize: 15
     buttonFont.bold: false
     buttonFont.family: "DejaVu Sans"

Property Documentation

backgroundColor : string

The background color of the time picker.

borderColor : string

The border color of the time picker.

borderRadius : int

The border radius of the time picker.

borderWidth : int

The border width of the time picker.

buttonBackgroundColor : string

The background color of the button area of time picker.

buttonFont.bold : bool

Determines if the button text of the time picker should be bold.

buttonFont.family : string

The font family that will be used for the button text of the time picker.

buttonFont.pixelSize : int

The font size in pixels of the button text of the time picker.

buttonFontColor : string

The font color of the button text of the time picker.

caption : string

The text that will be used for the time picker caption.

captionFont.bold : bool

Determines if the caption text of the time picker should be bold.

captionFont.family : string

The font family that will be used for the caption text of the time picker.

captionFont.pixelSize : int

The font size in pixels of the caption text of the time picker.

captionFontColor : string

The font color of the caption text of the time picker.

fieldSpacing : int

The space in pixels between the label and the input box.

hours : int

Sets the initial hour.

inputColor : color

The color background for the input box.

inputFontBold : bool

Determines if the input font should be bold.

inputFontFamily : string

The font family that will be used for the input box.

inputFontItalic : bool

Determines if the input font should be italic.

inputFontPixelSize : int

The font pixel size that will be used for the input box.

inputFontStrikeout : bool

Determines if the input font should be strikeout.

inputFontUnderline : bool

Determines if the input font should be underlined.

keyBoardAnimationSpeed : int

Animation speed for the time picker to scroll up into position.

keyboardBackGroundImage : url

Source Image for the time picker area background.

labelColor : color

The text color for the label.

labelFontBold : bool

Determines if the label font should be bold.

labelFontFamily : string

The font family that will be used for the label.

labelFontItalic : bool

Determines if the label font should be italic.

labelFontPixelSize : int

The font pixel size that will be used for the label.

labelFontStrikeout : bool

Determines if the label font should be strikeout.

labelFontUnderline : bool

Determines if the label font should be underlined.

labelText : string

The text that will be displayed for the label.

minutes : int

Sets the initial minute.

period : int

Sets the period "AM" or "PM".

seconds : int

Sets the initial second.

showPeriod : bool

Determines if the period is shown on the time picker.

showSeconds : bool

Determines if the seconds is shown on the time picker.

spacing : int

The spacing width between the time controls of the time picker.

timeFont.bold : bool

Determines if the time field text should be bold.

timeFont.family : string

The font family that will be used for the time field text.

timeFont.pixelSize : int

The font size in pixels of the time field text of the time picker.

timeFontColor : string

The color of the text for the time fields of the time picker.

VU Meter Element

An indicator that has a rotating needle on a marked background. More...


Detailed Description

The VUMeter type provides a visual meter that is styled using images.

Here is a simple VUMeter:

 import QtQuick 1.1
 import "components"

 VUMeter {
     id: vu_meter1
     width: 377
     height: 242
     needleImage: "images/vu_needle.png"
     overlayImageHeight: 26
     needleImageHeight: 139
     overlayImage: "images/vu_overlay.png"
     value: -20
     needleImageWidth: 8
     needleRotationY: 139
     needleRotationX: 4
     overlayY: 191
     overlayImageWidth: 39
     overlayX: 168
     needleY: 57
     needleX: 181
     backgroundImage: "images/vu_background.png"

     onValueChanged: console.debug(value);

Property Documentation

backgroundImage : url

The source image for the VUMeter's background.

height : int

The height of the VUMeter, usually the height of the background image.

needleImage : url

The source image for the VUMeter's needle image.

needleImageHeight : int

The height of the needle image.

needleImageWidth : int

The width of the needle image.

needleRotationX : int

The x position of the needle image that the needle will rotate through.

needleRotationY : int

The y position of the needle image that the needle will rotate through.

needleX : int

The x position of the needle image.

needleY : int

The y position of the needle image.

overlayImage : url

The source image for the VUMeter's overlay image.

overlayImageHeight : int

The height of the overlay image.

overlayImageWidth : int

The width of the overlay image.

overlayX : int

The x position of the overlay image.

overlayY : int

The y position of the overlay image.

value : int

The current value for the meter.

width : int

The width of the VUMeter, usually the width of the background image.